Weronika Kloc-Nowak

Associate Member
  [Research interests]  [Publications]

Contact: w.nowak(at)cefmr.pan.pl

Curriculum vitae

Born: 1982 in Gdańsk, Poland


Education and qualifications

  • Since 2001 - Warsaw University, College of Interdepartamental Individual Studies in the Humanities (MISH), faculties of Sociology and International Relations.
    M.A. in Sociology (2006), title of the thesis: "Socio-economic Adaptation of Female Immigrants from Ukraine with Settlement Permit in Poland".

  • 2004-2006 - Collegium Invisibile, individual studies, tutorial with Prof. Marek Okólski, Warsaw University (Faculty of Economics, Centre of Migration Research).

  • 2004 - "Advances in Modelling Migration as a Process": A course by prof. Oded Stark in the Warsaw School of Economics.

  • 1999-2001 - Gdynia International Baccalaureate School No 0704.

  • 1997-1999 - High school No 3 in Gdynia (III Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni), bilingual class with English as the language of instruction.


Professional experience

  • Since 2008 - Central European Forum for Migration and Population Research (CEFMR), Warsaw, Poland, Research Associate.

  • 2005-2008 - CEFMR, Research Assistant.

  • 2005 - Centre of Migration Research, Warsaw University, interviewer (February-August) and fieldwork coordinator (June-November) in a study of Ukrainian and Vietnamese immigrants; organising information and promotion campaign for graduate studies in international migration.

  • 2005 - Oxford Research International Ltd., local fieldwork coordinator in the Warsaw part of an international research project (translating the questionnaire, controlling the interviewers, meeting with a local partner institute's representative).

  • 2004 - Sociology Students' Academic Association "Karowa 18", work on questionnaires, interviews and reports during two research projects (Studenci Warszawy 2004, Akademiki 2005).

  • 2003, 2004 - PBS DGA (Pracownia Badań Społecznych), Sopot, summer internships in the Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing Section and Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing Section (analysing consumer satisfaction index, analysing effectiveness of telephone interviewing, coordination of interviewers' work).


  • 2006, 2007 - Ministry of Science and Higher education scholarship for academic performance

  • 2004, 2005 - Ministry of National Education and Sport scholarship for academic performance in the years 2003/04 and 2004/05

  • 2001 - International Baccalaureate: maximum score in the final exams of the international high school programme



English (fluent, Cambridge Proficiency Exam, 2001), French (advanced), Ukrainian (enthusiastic beginner)


Research interests

  • adaptation of immigrants and integration processes

  • position and strategies of women in the family and on the labour market in the context of migration

  • problems of socio-economic development in Africa


Publications and conference presentations



  • Kloc-Nowak W. (2007), Functioning of female imigrants from Ukraine on the Polish labour market - present situation and recommendations for the receiving society. Analizy, Raporty, Ekspertyzy No 9/07. Warsaw: Association for Legal Intervention [in Polish].

  • Kloc-Nowak W. (2007), Comparing life trajectories and adaptive strategies of Ukrainian and Vietnamese female immigrants in Poland. Paper presented during the 8th European Sociological Association Conference in Glasgow, UK, 3-6.09.2007. Overheads (ppt 926KB).


  • Kicinger A., W. Kloc-Nowak, M. Kupiszewski (2006), A new migration destination for Poles: A case study of the Polish post-accession migration to Ireland, [in:] F.Laczko (ed.), Managing Migration in Ireland: A Social and Economic Analysis, International Organization for Migration / National Economic & Social Council No 116: 230-239 (pdf available here).


  • W. Kloc (2005), Republika Południowej Afryki po apartheidzie a migracje międzynarodowe - uwarunkowania, główne trendy [The Republic of South Africa after the fall of apartheid and international migrations - conditions, main trends], in: A. Joniak-Lüthi (ed.): Nie tylko Europa. Materiały z I Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Orientalistów w Ciążeniu nad Wartą [Not only Europe. Materials from the First Polish Conference of Oriental Studies in Ciążeń]; Katedra Orientalistyki, Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, 2005.

  • W. Kloc (2005), Granice obywatelskiego posłuszeństwa i prawo oporu w koncepcji rządu obywatelskiego H. D. Thoreau i J. Locke'a [The limits of citizens' obedience and the right to resistance in the writings on civil government by H. D. Thoreau and J. Locke] in: Szkice Humanistyczne III, Collegium Invisibile, Krajowy Fundusz na Rzecz Dzieci, Warszawa 2005: 155-168.

  • W. Kloc (2005), Ucieczka czy szansa? Wyjazdy zagraniczne i skłonność do migracji studentów warszawskich uczelni [An escape or an opportunity? Going abroad patterns and the potential for migration of the students of Warsaw universities and colleges], in: Studenci Warszawy 2004 [Students of Warsaw 2004], chapter in the research report submitted to "Association Procura". Material presented during the XXXIV Social Days, Catholic University of Lublin, 11-15 April 2005.

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